I'm an university student and... I think that's the only thing I'm gonna say about myself, haha. Oh, I study electronics engineering! And that's about it (for now, I guess...). This is the first website I've ever made. So, if it looks bad, then you know why :-). I don't really know what to do about it right now but... I'll probably just post math problems solved by me in MS-paint :-P. I'm not a native speaker of english and sometimes you'd probably see very weird grammatics that I can't be bothered to think better, so be aware of it ;-).
Thank you for seeing!
It's in the tags! So I have to put this thing here to obliged myself to do something about it ;-D.
ELECTRONICS STUFFI said I studied electronics engineering! So I should post stuff about it... I guess.
OPINION STUFFI hopefully will have some opinions of stuff... shouldn't I have one...?